Cameron Street Ghost Houses

Photo of a "Ghost House" silhouette on the side of a brick building on Cameron St. in Toronto ON

The outline of a “ghost house” on the side of an industrial building

Cameron Street runs north-south through the Alexandra Park neighbourhood of Toronto. The street dates to the 19th century and was named for The Hon. John Hillyard Cameron who owned an estate at the northwest corner of Queen Street West and Spadina Avenue.

During the 1960s, almost all of the houses on Cameron Street were demolished as part of the Alexandra Park "slum clearance" (housing projects).

Now none of the 100+ houses from the 19th century remain. Only a few "ghost houses" survive — their imprints visible on the sides of surviving commercial and industrial buildings.

Soon this ghost house will be lost too. A hotel/condo development is proposed for the adjacent parking lot.


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